Monday, September 8, 2008

Photo Booth Madness at The Darling Room

I was on hand for The Darling Room's First Friday extravaganza on September 5 and boy did we have fun. The Darling Room is a super chic and fun downtown salon and they were offering mini makeup sessions as their First Friday activity. For those of you not familiar with First Friday, this is a monthly event where galleries, stores and other establishments in the Crossroads Art District throw open their doors from 6:00 pm to 10:00 pm to showcase their wares. The Darling Room asked me to create a photo booth to take pictures of visitors after their mini makeup session. We had couples, kids, dogs and guys in hats....all hamming it up for the camera in my photo booth. Check out some of the photos:

These photos are now for sale at under "Online Ordering" and I will hopefully be back at the Darling Room again for future First Fridays!

This is such a fun idea, why not have me come to your party, work event or other social gathering to do a photo booth??!! Contact me on for more information!

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