Thursday, April 9, 2015

Three Sweet Brothers - Kansas City Child Photographer

As a mom of two girls, I love getting a behind the scenes look at families with all boys.  Look at these three brothers - they couldn't have been more sweet and adorable!  Come back and see us soon at Christina Lundeen Photography!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Head Shots for Kate - Kansas City Professional Photographer

It's time for another fun head shot feature from Christina Lundeen Photography!  Kate and I took a trip down to the Crossroads to get head shots ready for her job search.  Kate is graduating with her MA in Communication in May. With experience in TV production, copy writing, media editing, and marketing, she is looking for a position in news - whether broadcast or print. On the personal side, Kate loves to cook, and tries to grow her own ingredients (although she says the tomatoes never seem to work out).  I've been on the receiving end of her fabulous home cooking and maybe she could pick up a side job as a chef?!?