Monday, January 6, 2014

Lily the Snow Angel - Kansas City Child Photographer

Cold weather got you down?  Need a bunch of cuteness to perk you up?  Check out my favorite snow angel, Miss Lily.  We took these after the first snow fall in December.  I'm loving not only the girl and her personality but also those gold Uggs on her park adventure!

Maternity Leave Work - Kansas City Family Photographer

I know that sounds a bit contradictory - work I completed while on maternity leave - but I continued to see a few regular baby plan clients while I have been home with Piper.  I didn't have time to blog and do a Facebook post for each session since I had my hands full with babies and diapers and feedings and laundry and...well everything kid here are some of my favorites in one jumbo post.  I'm back in the studio now so consider your favorite photographer back to work!  Hope to see you all soon!