Friday, October 4, 2013

My Pregnancy Sister - Kansas City Maternity Photographer

Pati and I have now had two sets of perfectly aligned pregnancies so I am calling her my pregnancy sister!  We met in a prenatal yoga class when we were pregnant with our first babies and I have done fun maternity photos for her now for both her babies.  She is currently pregnant with her second baby (as am I) and we are delivering a month apart this time as well.  So happy to know that someone else out there is experiencing the same timeline as I am - are we crazy to be having babies 16 months apart or what?!?  Can't wait to meet your newest addition!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It Wouldn't Be Fall Without This Family - Kansas City Family Photographer

My year would not be complete unless the Sizemore family was in front of my lens! I've been part of their lives since P was a little baby boy and love to see them thrive and grow every year. Amy and Paul are some of my most favorite clients in the whole world - managing their brood during a photo shoot with smiles, humor and TREATS!  Christina Lundeen Photography LOVES TREATS!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Baby Amelia - Kansas City Newborn Photographer

Baby Amelia Rose graces the blog today with her gorgeous newborn goodness!  As a fellow "Rose" (Christina Rose is my full name), I couldn't be more happy with her session.  Christina Lundeen Photography says welcome to the world and I can't wait to see you in front of my camera during your first year and beyond!