Tuesday, May 28, 2013

G Man in Wesport - Kansas City Child Photographer

Oh where oh where does time go?  Seriously, I was just taking Gavin's newborn photos about three minutes ago and now he's literally RUNNING around Westport with his sweet little boy kicks!  It's so much fun to watch all the Christina Lundeen Photography clients grow from my baby plan clients to my graduate plan clients...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Wonder Twins - Kansas City Baby Photographer

Christina Lundeen Photography loves twins and these fellas were no exception!  Four months of adorable twin wonders.  Can't wait to see them again soon!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sister Love - Kansas City Child Photographer

Just in time for Mother's Day...two of the sweetest sisters around visited Christina Lundeen Photography.  You'd better believe that this print is a Mother's Day gift for lots of their family members!  Sweet sister love!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Brodie Turns 5 - Kansas City Child Photographer

Does he rock a newsboy cap or what?!?   Adorable.  Christina Lundeen Photography is always head over heels for a kid in a bow tie too.  Brodie did a great job in the City Market for his fifth birthday shoot - hope you had a great birthday!

Olivia is 6 Months - Kansas City Baby Photographer

Oh my how quickly six months can pass!  Olivia is one of Christina Lundeen Photography's baby plan clients and I'm so spoiled since I've already photographed her newborn and three month session.  Six months is one of my favorite times to photograph a baby - they are full of smiles, sitting up on their own and becoming their own little person.  What a charmer!

It's Not Too Late for 2013 Seniors - Kansas City Senior Portrait Photographer

I've been seeing lots of "end of the school year" 2013 seniors here at Christina Lundeen Photography.  It's not too late to capture your high school senior during graduation season.  Give me a call to book!