Sunday, April 14, 2013

Glam Mama - Kansas City Maternity Photographer

Pregnancy can make a girl feel...well...somewhat less than glamorous at times!  So when Jaime came to Christina Lundeen Photography with the idea of "glam mama-to-be" I was thrilled to help make her vision come to life in her maternity session.  With her fabulous jewelry and fur vest, it was so fun to style the session.  I love the strength that is exuded from the last photo as well.  Glam, strong, confident.  She's going to rock this mama thing!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Three Months of Fun - Kansas City Baby Photographer

I think I found a baby that rivals how much hair my little Zoe had at the three month mark!  Stunning little Priya came to visit us at Christina Lundeen Photography with a stash of adorable headbands to adorn that beautiful head of dark hair.  Giggling and smiley at three months, I can't wait to see how much fun we'll have at her six month session!