Friday, October 4, 2013

My Pregnancy Sister - Kansas City Maternity Photographer

Pati and I have now had two sets of perfectly aligned pregnancies so I am calling her my pregnancy sister!  We met in a prenatal yoga class when we were pregnant with our first babies and I have done fun maternity photos for her now for both her babies.  She is currently pregnant with her second baby (as am I) and we are delivering a month apart this time as well.  So happy to know that someone else out there is experiencing the same timeline as I am - are we crazy to be having babies 16 months apart or what?!?  Can't wait to meet your newest addition!

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

It Wouldn't Be Fall Without This Family - Kansas City Family Photographer

My year would not be complete unless the Sizemore family was in front of my lens! I've been part of their lives since P was a little baby boy and love to see them thrive and grow every year. Amy and Paul are some of my most favorite clients in the whole world - managing their brood during a photo shoot with smiles, humor and TREATS!  Christina Lundeen Photography LOVES TREATS!

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Baby Amelia - Kansas City Newborn Photographer

Baby Amelia Rose graces the blog today with her gorgeous newborn goodness!  As a fellow "Rose" (Christina Rose is my full name), I couldn't be more happy with her session.  Christina Lundeen Photography says welcome to the world and I can't wait to see you in front of my camera during your first year and beyond!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Gavin's Baseball Adventure - Kansas City Child Photographer

I love doing photo shoots at unique locations and this has to be one of my favorites!  Gavin, Shana and Jeremy booked a Grand Slam Tour at Kauffman Stadium so we could capture their family exploring their favorite ballpark.  Christina Lundeen Photography loves baseball, stadium hot dogs and the crack of a bat just as much as all American gals so off we went on our adventure.  I've been photographing Gavin since he was one week old and I love working with his family so much.  Here's to more big adventures together!

Amy and Amber's Engagement - Kansas City Wedding Photographer

I was so excited to be part of Amy's plan to propose to Amber at a party at their home a few weeks ago!  Under the guise of "taking some party pics" for the couple, I arrived at their party with my camera knowing a much bigger surprise was in store.  Ooooo Christina Lundeen Photography loves surprises!!  Amy popped the question, Amber said yes, a few happy tears were shed, and then we popped some champagne so they could celebrate with all their friends and family who were present to witness the proposal.  Honored to be part of your big moment - congrats to Amy and Amber!

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Jeanne + Adam - Kansas City Wedding Photographer

Senior Girls: Mary - Kansas City High School Senior Photographer

It's been a few years since I last photographed Mary so I was very excited to work on her senior portraits with her.  I road tripped to Weston where Mary and her mom live just a few blocks from the downtown Weston area.  The gorgeous Main Street spots provided a backdrop for Mary's shoot and couldn't have been more perfect.  She knocked it out of the park with her outfits and we had a really cool boho vibe with her styling choices.  Mary is working hard toward a cross country scholarship for college and I think these photos show what a strong, capable young lady she is! 

Monday, July 15, 2013

Friday, July 12, 2013

Family Fun in Loose Park - Kansas City Family Photographer

Boy oh boy does Christina Lundeen Photography love well styled clothing for a family photo shoot!  Ok, let's state the obvious that this family is adorable with their sweet twin baby girls and a lively little fellow.   But back to the clothing - Tina did a great job of coordinating multiple people in a way that is not too "matchy matchy."  We've got color, texture and pattern represented in the clothing.  Everyone goes together but each person still has a unique element of style.  The pops of yellow in the headbands, shirt and necklace are just perfect in the green splendor of Loose Park. Too cute!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Garrett's 1 Year Session - Kansas City Baby Photographer

Here is another handsome graduate from Christina Lundeen Photography's baby plan!  Garrett turned one year old and we capped off his first year with a beautiful shoot at Kauffman Gardens.  My favorite photo is the one I'm calling "IT'S SO HARD TO BE A BABY" where he put his head down for a little rest in the middle of the photo shoot.  Those kind of little kid moments are so funny and sweet!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Patriotic Baby Stripes for a Holiday Weekend - Kansas City Newborn Photographer

I'm feeling a little patriotic this holiday weekend so wanted to share this beautiful baby boy all decked out with some red and white stripes.  Easiest newborn session ever with one of my favorite families!  Christina Lundeen Photography is always thrilled to snuggle new little ones so let me know if you need any information on baby plans for your baby's first year! 

Friday, July 5, 2013

Some of My Favorite Fort Dodgers - Kansas City Family Photographer

For those of you who don't know, I originally hail from Fort Dodge, Iowa.  It's a hard working, small town in northwest Iowa where I had a really great childhood.  So when an old friend from "Dodge" calls me up for a photo shoot, I'm always excited to see someone from home.   There are a surprising amount of Fort Dodge transplants in the Kansas City area and the Pate family is one of my favorites.  Always ready with a story and a smile, they are so much fun to see every year.  We keep meaning to have dinner dates as well as just photo shoot dates - I think 2013 should be the year we make good on this promise! 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Your Cure for the Mondays - Kansas City Child Photographer

Feeling like you need a little smile this Monday morning?  Well then this gorgeous gal in a ruffled romper is just for you!  Christina Lundeen Photography is in love with the styling on this session - kudos to Meghan for doing such a great job putting together her daughter's look for the photo shoot.  Well done and see you next year, ladies!

Friday, June 21, 2013

Flamingo Friday with Reagan - Kansas City Baby Photographer

I think we can all agree that Fridays mean FLAMINGOS!  Happy three month birthday to dear little Reagan from Christina Lundeen Photography!  I mean, she can rock a giant bow, a flamingo shirt and pretty much anything we dress her up in.  Her mama and I have already found an adorable outfit for her 6 month pics.  Stay tuned for more of Reagan in a few short months...

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Annabelle - 6 Months - Kansas City Baby Photographer

Here is another one of Christina Lundeen Photography's beautiful baby plan clients!  Miss Annabelle turned 6 months old and is one of my sweetest clients.  She's so happy!  I went over to her mama's house yesterday to help install a fabulous wall collage of her first year images and Annabelle played so nicely with her toys while the ladies worked away.  Such a trooper.  Looking forward to her one year session in November! 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

A Colorful Family in Black and White - Kansas City Family Photographer

I was so excited to work on such a beautiful wall arrangement using all black and white images from Jessica's family session.  While they had gorgeously color coordinated their clothing and looked fabulous in color too, we kept going back to this black and white grouping of photos.  I always think that black and white can really showcase relationships and the love between family members in a more candid, intimate way.  Plus Christina Lundeen Photography is always in love with a black and white close-up of a cute kiddo! 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Lori and Nate's Vow Renewal in Florida - Kansas City Wedding Photographer

When Lori and Nate asked me to photograph their vow renewal ceremony in Pensacola, Florida, I jumped at the chance at what was basically the equivalent of a laid back destination wedding.  Now when I say I've know Lori and Nate FOREVER, I'm being serious.  I've known both of them since we were little kids running around our Iowa hometown and it's so beautiful to see them as one of the strongest married couples I know.  I was at the original wedding many moons ago and it was my honor to capture their vow renewal in May.  Wishing them many more years of wedded bliss!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

My Baby Girl Turns One Today - Kansas City Baby Photographer

You will have to indulge the mama side of me today - it's my baby girl's first birthday!  We had a fantastic time doing her one year portraits this week at Swope Park.  Lace romper, vintage car, and a field of flowers was this mama's dream.  Now that I've photographed Zoe in the little blue car, it's available to the rest of the Christina Lundeen Photography family to use as well...just mention that you want me to bring it along if you like what you see!  Happy birthday to my sweet Zoe!

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Red, White and Baby - Kansas City Baby Photographer

Christina Lundeen Photography loves babies of all ages but the 6-7 month age range is my absolute favorite time to photograph a baby.  It's easy on parents and photographer because the baby is still pretty stationary but can sit up and show the best expressions.  Case in, white and adorable...

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

G Man in Wesport - Kansas City Child Photographer

Oh where oh where does time go?  Seriously, I was just taking Gavin's newborn photos about three minutes ago and now he's literally RUNNING around Westport with his sweet little boy kicks!  It's so much fun to watch all the Christina Lundeen Photography clients grow from my baby plan clients to my graduate plan clients...

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Wonder Twins - Kansas City Baby Photographer

Christina Lundeen Photography loves twins and these fellas were no exception!  Four months of adorable twin wonders.  Can't wait to see them again soon!

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sister Love - Kansas City Child Photographer

Just in time for Mother's Day...two of the sweetest sisters around visited Christina Lundeen Photography.  You'd better believe that this print is a Mother's Day gift for lots of their family members!  Sweet sister love!

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Brodie Turns 5 - Kansas City Child Photographer

Does he rock a newsboy cap or what?!?   Adorable.  Christina Lundeen Photography is always head over heels for a kid in a bow tie too.  Brodie did a great job in the City Market for his fifth birthday shoot - hope you had a great birthday!

Olivia is 6 Months - Kansas City Baby Photographer

Oh my how quickly six months can pass!  Olivia is one of Christina Lundeen Photography's baby plan clients and I'm so spoiled since I've already photographed her newborn and three month session.  Six months is one of my favorite times to photograph a baby - they are full of smiles, sitting up on their own and becoming their own little person.  What a charmer!

It's Not Too Late for 2013 Seniors - Kansas City Senior Portrait Photographer

I've been seeing lots of "end of the school year" 2013 seniors here at Christina Lundeen Photography.  It's not too late to capture your high school senior during graduation season.  Give me a call to book! 


Sunday, April 14, 2013

Glam Mama - Kansas City Maternity Photographer

Pregnancy can make a girl feel...well...somewhat less than glamorous at times!  So when Jaime came to Christina Lundeen Photography with the idea of "glam mama-to-be" I was thrilled to help make her vision come to life in her maternity session.  With her fabulous jewelry and fur vest, it was so fun to style the session.  I love the strength that is exuded from the last photo as well.  Glam, strong, confident.  She's going to rock this mama thing!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Three Months of Fun - Kansas City Baby Photographer

I think I found a baby that rivals how much hair my little Zoe had at the three month mark!  Stunning little Priya came to visit us at Christina Lundeen Photography with a stash of adorable headbands to adorn that beautiful head of dark hair.  Giggling and smiley at three months, I can't wait to see how much fun we'll have at her six month session!


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Happy Easter - Kansas City Child Photographer

Maddy and bunny Mylo were fabulous subjects for the test run of Christina Lundeen Photography working with a live bunny. Since it was a success, we'll definitely be offering bunny photos in 2014!

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Baby Reagan - Kansas City Newborn Photographer

I got to know Kathleen and her husband, Pat, from my volunteer work at the Nelson Atkins Museum of Art here in Kansas City.  So when I found out they were expecting, I was thrilled that they chose Christina Lundeen Photography as their newborn photographer! Baby Reagan was a fabulous subject and it's always fun to chat with a friend as I do my baby magic.  Can't wait to see this little one grow in the baby's first year plan.

Monday, February 4, 2013

A Special Christening Gown - Kansas City Baby Photographer

I love when we get special projects over at Christina Lundeen Photography!  Taylor's beautiful daugher + her mother's gorgeous wedding dress made into a christening gown = a mommy and grandma's dream!

Friday, February 1, 2013

Newborn Sweetness - Kansas City Newborn Photographer

One of Christina Lundeen Photography's favorite families adds a new baby girl to their crew...what a beauty!  Can't wait to watch her grow on the baby's first year plan.  Stay tuned for her three month photos which will be here before we know it.

Personal Work - Kansas City Family Photographer

Happy 2013 to all my clients out there!  Christina Lundeen Photography is back in action after our big Australian adventure to visit my husband's family and introduce them to our new little one.  Yes, it was nuts to take a 6 month old on a 15 hour plane ride. But the family at the other end was worth the trek. Here are a few personal portraits from the journey.