Thursday, September 29, 2011

Strolling in the City Market

Do you ever wish you could wear cute hair dongles as a grown woman? After this session with Sarah and her daughter, I did! Cute hair bows aside, I love the playfulness between mother and daughter in these photos - romping around the City Market, having a good time. I would love to have photos like these with my Mom when I was little!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Senior Girls - Codi

With her trademark silver kicks, Codi tore it up at her senior session at the Liberty Memorial and the West Bottoms. Anyone who can seamlessly transition from black studded heels to silver high tops is a girl with many interesting facets. Codi was super laid back and was willing to climb over railroad tracks and crumbling warehouse walls (in heels!) to get some great shots. One of the images was ordered in an aluminum print and I can't wait to see the finished product - a little bit of edge that matched the vibe of our shoot.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Senior Girls - Amanda

I was so excited to try out my vintage couch in the woods at Swope Park during Amanda's senior session. I rolled up to the park driving at Grandma speed with the couch hanging precariously out of my Honda. It was a sight to see! With Amanda's Mom Kathy's help, we got the couch into a gorgeous spot and then added gorgeous Amanda for a memorable set of portraits. After our adventures at Swope Park, I dropped the couch at home and then headed to the Plaza to finish the session. Amanda was up for the adventure and didn't even laugh at my rope tying skills when I attempted to pack up the couch!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Senior Guys - Tommy

It was early on Saturday morning when I met Tommy and his mom, Yvonne, for his senior photos. At a time where most teenage guys would certainly rather be sound asleep, Tommy was charming and looked sharp. At his viewing appointment, I could tell he is a special guy to his family by the way his mom and sister ooooed and ahhhhed over him in the photos. It was too cute!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Senior Girls - Salis

I'm pretty sure that the group of high school seniors I have photographed this year are going to run the world someday. What a group of smarties! And charismatic too. Salis is graduating a year early from high school and is sweet as can be. Did you hear that - a year early, people. She even brought her puppy dog and got some snuggly shots at the garden where we shot. Adorable!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Senior Girls - Ali

Senior Guys- Ben

Ben was the definition of a chill senior photo shoot at Unity Village. That was good as we ran into a number of people doing walking meditation on the chill was definitely the vibe! Ben is a tall fella so the long lines of the buildings at Unity Village really complimented his height. He's a swimmer but I managed to keep him out of all the beautiful fountains and captured some great stuff!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Work and Play

Haley came in for some professional shots but we also managed to work in some "just for fun" photos as well. I LOVE the black dress - just smashing!!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Joshua Center Benefit Auction

A portrait sitting and 8x10 from Christina Lundeen Photography will be auctioned off at the Joshua Center benefit on September 17th. My client, Nancy, is on the board of this wonderful organization and brought the auction to my attention. The Joshua Center is a local organization that provides services and support for the social, emotional, and educational needs of neurologically impaired children, including children with Asperger Syndrome, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and Tourette Syndrome, and their families. Nancy became involved with the organization after a family member was diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. Here is a photo of Nancy's family from a photo shoot we did last year.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Where's the Lady

Jen brought in her adorable daughter for an August mini session and it was great to catch up again. We played a rousing game of "Where's the lady" where I would hop out from behind things to make her giggle. I'm loving the blue door series where her favorite stuffed puppy played a vital role. She was telling her puppy to "sit" and the puppy totally behaved. Wish my puppies would listen that well...

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Day At The Fair

In honor of Labor Day, I'm posting this fun photo shoot of the sweetest couple. I hope you are enjoying your holiday weekend with something just as fun!

Monday, August 29, 2011

Yoga Mama

It's been a month filled with lots of mamas-to-be and Lindsay kicked it off with her yoga themed shoot. She teaches at my favorite yoga studio, Darling Yoga, and I'm totally digging the reverse warrior photo. Stay tuned for the newborn photos soon :)