Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Guitar Girls Rock

I love when high school seniors bring their own props. Katie brought her guitar which I thought was the perfect accessory for her photo shoot in the West Bottoms. The girl has an eye for accessories...because she also brought a great pair of heels and a sweet fedora. And she's interested in photography and is planning to study it in college - hope I did her proud for her senior pictures!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Senior Guys: Louie

When photographing high school seniors in the studio, I ask what kind of music the person likes and try to pop something similar on the iPod. The music adds a little energy to the session and makes it more fun. Oh Louie - I know I let you down. Louie likes rap. I wracked my brain....rap....rap...any playlists with it! My running playlist starts out with Jay Z! I neglected to remember the following song is Lady Gaga which is followed by more Lady Gaga. Before we knew it, Louie was stuck listening to a 33 year old lady's iPod choices. He was a trooper and got through the photo shoot with a smile on his face. Thanks for a great session, Louie!

Rockin' and Rollin'

When you are two years old, you are on the move! It is seriously the most hilarious age to try to photograph. And Devin and his adorable red curls kept me rockin' and rollin' last week during his family photo shoot! I had so much fun watching him do his thing while his patient brother and sister watched on. We got some really fun group shots as well as lots of individual photographs. Elaina and Jay have the most expressive eyes...which along with their fair complexion makes for a fabulous portrait!

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Newborns, Newborns, Newborns

Good things come in small packages. Tiny toes, sweet little was a good week in the studio for newborns...welcome Ryland and Avery to the Christina Lundeen Photography family!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Let the Groupies Begin!

Some of you may have noticed that my special feature on sold really well last week. I have scheduled lots of appointments and have started conducting photo shoots with my "Groupies" which have been tons of fun so far. Meghan and her daughter were one of my first shoots. Check out the cute baby girl and a fabulous pair of mommy heels!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Brand New Liam

Liam is the brand new baby boy of an old friend that I have reconnected with due to the magic of Facebook! Not only did I have fun chatting and catching up during the session, but Liam was a perfect newborn. Sleepy and snugly, he let us try different poses and played along with the whole thing. Cap it off with a glass of wine with my friend and it was one of those days where this job doesn't seem like work...

Friday, March 12, 2010

Recipes of Hope

I had the privilege of photographing the "Recipes of Hope - Kansas City" event this week. This event was a special cooking event for the residents of of New House, ( a shelter for victims of domestic violence. After a fabulous cooking demonstration using affordable ingredients at Function Junction in Crown Center, the women and volunteers sat down together to share the meal that was prepared. Everyone had on handmade aprons donated by Etsy sellers from around the globe which I thought was a really nice touch. The event was organized by Enchanted Makeovers which is "an internationally recognized nonprofit organization, believes that everyone is worthy of surroundings that nurture their soul and allow their greatness to emerge." They are part of the Martha Stewart Dreamers into Doers program so check out the Martha Stewart web site for more information about the event:

Monday, March 1, 2010

Celebrate Spring!

As I sit here at my computer with a hot cup of tea and my fluffy slippers on, it's hard to believe that spring is just around the corner. March 20th is the first official day of spring so let's get ready to celebrate the return of warmer weather! After many months shooting in the studio, I'm ready to head outside in late March and return to all my favorite outdoor spots in Kansas City. Let's cross our fingers that this winter comes to a close soon and the first signs of spring appear...and if it doesn't, then I'm prepared to bring spring indoors with fresh flowers and beautiful spring dresses.

Book your Celebrate Spring portrait session any time between March 1- 31st to receive half off your sitting fee. Please mention the Celebrate Spring promotion when booking your appointment. Call now to schedule your appointment or book online!

This offer is good for new and returning customers and is valid for appointments booked March 1-31, 2010. May not be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts.

Call Now: 816-807-1003
Book Appointments Online:

Product of the Month: Wallets for High School Seniors

Hey seniors, do you need some more wallet photos as your senior year comes to a close? Graduation announcements, scholarship applications and just a few more pics for friends mean a re-order on wallets is due. Wallets come in packs of 8 or 56 so let me know how many you need as the 2010 school year starts to wind down. Graduation will be here before you know it!

Call Now: 816-807-1003
Order Wallets Online: