Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tricia's Senior Pictures

Tricia and I braved the 115 heat index last week to come up with a stunning set of senior photos! We did some shots around the air conditioned studio and then made our way to the Country Club Plaza to take advantage of the great architecture, cabs and fountains. It's not easy to look fresh with such high temps but my girl pulled it off without missing a beat. I, on the other hand, managed to get so sweaty that it looked like I had just gotten out of the shower when we finished with the outdoor portraits. Charming.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

First Friday Art Show at Cocoon Gallery

Join me on Friday, July 3 at the Cocoon Gallery at the Arts Incubator for "The Year With No Winter." This is my first solo show and it features photography from my trip around the world in 2007/2008. From Berlin to Singapore, we chased the sun and tried to figure out how to redirect our lives into what we wanted. We were burned out on NYC and needed to figure out the next step...where to live, what to do with our careers, the big questions. The reflection and searching are visible in the images I created as we traveled from country to country.

Cocoon Gallery
115 W 18th St
Kansas City, MO 64108
Opening Reception July 3rd 6-9 pm
Show Dates July 3 - August 2

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Wandering Through the City Market

Kelly is one of my senior photo ambassadors and we crafted a very special photo shoot at the city market for her pictures. She had the great idea to use the market as her outdoor location and I found so many great colors and backdrops to use as we wandered around. Her smashing blue dress and blonde locks didn't hurt either!

Friday, June 12, 2009

Mr. Goodbar

I don't think there is too much I need to write about the brilliance of naming a dog Mr. Goodbar. Sweet goodness!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

50th Anniversary Celebration

The O'Farrells were celebrating their 50th anniversary a couple weeks ago and I had the pleasure of photographing their entire family on the day of the big celebration. It was a windy day, so we did some indoor photos as well as the planned outdoor photos at the gorgeous Mission Hills Country Club. Here's to another 50 years!

Adventures with Shadow and Guinness

Nicole brought over her two lively pets, Shadow and Guinness, on a beautiful summer day. Nicole works at Spay Neuter KC and we are working together to showcase some of my pet photography in their new facility. Shadow made a great model - cat's eyes are so mysterious and photograph really well. Especially the shots where she is cuddling up to Nicole. And Guinness, well, you can't say enough about this pup...

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Fun in the Sun

I met Simon and Paula through my husband's Australian football league. Prior to our photo shoot in the park, Simon played a game of footy and broke his elbow. Concerned as I was, I was relieved nothing happened to his face - bum elbows don't show up on photographs! Injuries aside, Simon and Paula brought their two gorgeous kids to Loose Park and we had a little bit of fun in the sun...

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Claire's Senior Pictures

I had so much fun photographing Claire for her senior pictures. First of all, she rocked up with a million fun clothing choices so we could mix and match based on the locations we selected. Secondly, her sister did a bang up job on her hair and makeup which made for some really polished images. We went everywhere from Swope Park to downtown to the studio and captured some amazing photos...check it out...

Monday, June 1, 2009

Mom and Two Daughters

I love photographing a mother and two daughters. It's such a lovely grouping. I have so much fun capturing the relationship between a mom and her kids. I was getting such a kick out of Tricia and her daughters that I think I was channeling Annie Leibovitz on the first shot. Epic portrait. I told Tricia if she didn't hang a big ol' version of that photograph on her wall, then I would!