Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Buck Family Photos

Last Sunday, I visited the Buck family at their home for some family pictures around the piano and Christmas tree. In true holiday spirit, the kids shook their packages under the tree for any hint of the surprises inside while I snapped away! It made me want to go home and sneak a peek at my own stocking...

Saturday, December 13, 2008

My Own Holiday Cards

Bruce and I took our own holiday portrait yesterday and I have been playing around with our holiday cards tonight. With fresh haircuts, we think we cleaned up real good!

Office Space Article in INK

Thanks to INK for featuring Christina Lundeen Photography in the Office Space column! You can read the article online here:


Thursday, December 11, 2008

Holiday Specials

Last Minute Holiday Card Special

Are you stressing out about your holiday cards? The outfits, the hair, the card design, oh my! Just in time for the holidays, Christina Lundeen Photography is excited to offer one free box of holiday cards with your portrait session. This is a $50 value and you will receive one box of 24 postcard style holiday cards. As the holiday season approaches, take this opportunity to create timeless photographs for your home and your holiday cards.

Browse the fabulous new collection of holiday cards on the web site: http://www.christinalundeen.com/. Click on Online Ordering and then Products to see the various designs!

Please note that holiday cards require 5 business days for delivery so place your holiday card orders by December 16 to receive the cards by December 22. Christina Lundeen Photography will be closed for Christmas and New Years from December 23 until January 5.

This offer is good for first time customers only and customers much purchase Package A or Package B. The Last Minute Holiday Card Special is valid for appointments booked between December 5 and December 22, 2008. May not be used in conjunction with any other offers or discounts.

Call Now: 816-807-1003
Book Appointments Online: http://www.christinalundeen.com/

Product of the Month: Bulk Quantities for Holiday Cards
Christina Lundeen Photography is excited to offer huge savings on bulk quantities of small print sizes for use in your own holiday cards! Bulk quantities of 4x6 inch prints are available as well as 3.5x5 inch prints. These prints must be ordered in quantities of 50 or 100 to be eligible for amazing savings. The prints are from a professional lab and will meet the high quality standards of Christina Lundeen Photography.
Check out the bulk card prices at http://www.christinalundeen.com/. Click on Information and then Pricing for more information!

Christina Lundeen Photography Featured in INK

Grab a copy of INK from newsstands next week to see Christina Lundeen Photography profiled in Office Space. I had my very own portrait photo shoot at the studio for myself and the facilities. If you haven't been to my studio before, this will be a great way to get a sneak peak at my space. On newsstands in and around the Kansas City area next Wednesday. Happy reading!

Price Changes for 2009

Please note that prices for some services and products will change as of January 1, 2009. As always, Christina Lundeen Photography strives to be an affordable and quality provider of photographic services. Prices listed on my web site are valid for orders placed through December 31, 2008. If you have already completed a photo session with Christina Lundeen Photography, be sure to place your orders before the end of the year to take advantage of the current prices!

For more information about my current prices, please visit http://www.christinalundeen.com/.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Giggles and Wrestling

I think photographing little boys is just hilarious. The way they are giggling with each other one second and then are wrestling the next. Having one sister growing up, the world of little boys is a totally different one than I ever knew. When the Richardson family came into the studio yesterday, I got a little peek into the wonderful world of sweet little boys!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Price Changes for 2009

Please Note: Prices for some services and products will change as of January 1, 2009. Prices listed on my web site are valid for orders placed through December 31, 2008.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Turkey Withdrawal

As it is nearly a week after Thanksgiving, I'm starting to suffer from turkey withdrawal. The tupperware container that was piled high with turkey day leftovers has been emptied. What's a girl to do?

Before the turkey was on our plates, I took this photo of my husband which I just love:

My Biggest Family Challenge

On Thanksgiving weekend, I encountered my biggest family challenge yet: 21 family members for a family portrait! The Toler family was kind and welcoming on the holiday weekend as I joined them at their house for the photo shoot. The weather wasn't cooperating so we did the shoot on location in their living room. With the vaulted ceilings and open living room, it was the perfect alternative to the great outdoors.

Monday, December 1, 2008

Turkey Day Photos

I'm in the post-Thanksgiving food coma still on this Monday afternoon! Not to be dissuaded by my tight pants and my pounding head (from lack of mega carbs today) I am looking at the photos from shoots this weekend. When families congregate over the holidays, I'm more than happy to come to your home or meet you at the studio for a family photo shoot.

One of my weekend sessions was with the Wieneke/Broghammer family. I couldn't stop smiling at Max and Jack in their sweet, sweet bow ties. Max's cheeks are just to die for!